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The Great Low Carb/Gluten-Free Pizza Experiment - 1.5 carbs

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | 9:00 AM | 0 comments

Low Carb/Gluten-Free Pizza ExperimentI tried to make Low Carb/Gluten-Free Pizza last night for dinner - it worked OK, but I think it still needs work.

I used the recipe from "Low Carb and Gluten Free Comfort Foods" with a few changes.

To make the crust, the recipe says to fry 1 cup of shredded cheese in 1 tsp of olive oil in a large frying pan.

I think frying the "crust" in oil is too greasy, no matter what oil you use. Next time, I am going to try in the oven and then in the microwave and see what works best.

To make the crust, the recipe says to fry 1 cup of shredded cheese in 1 tsp of olive oil in a large frying pan.In the past I have made some wonderful "Taco Shells" out of cheese in the microwave, but that might be too crispy for pizza crust? I will keep you updated on this experiment!

NOTE: I used too much meat this time - the recipe called for much more than I needed. This time I used 2 strips of bacon and an 11" (28 cm) pepperoni stick.

Next time I will use half that and it will be plenty.

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Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Net Carbs - 1.5 per slice
Potential Allergens: Meat, dairy, tomato
Free of Wheat, Gluten, Eggs, Soy, Sugar, Nuts, no added salt.

Shredded cheese and meat ingredients1 cup (250 ml) shredded cheese (for crust)
1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil
3 tbsp (45 ml) of Bruschetta (instead of pizza sauce)
1 gluten-free pepperoni stick (5.5 inches - 14 cm)
1 strip of bacon, cooked
1/3 cup (84 ml) shredded cheese for topping

For a total of 6 carbs for the whole pizza!

Warm up oil on medium heat. Add 1 cup of shredded cheese. Cook till edges are hard and crisp. Spread on Bruschetta and top with meat and remaining cheese. Continue cooking till cheese topping begins to melt.

It tasted great - just very oily.

Nutritional Data:
One slice - 199 calories, 18.4g fat, 1.5g carbs, 0g fiber, 7.4g protein
Estimated Glycemic Load - 0
Inflammation Factor - 0

For more information:
Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Low Carb Pizza

Shopping List:
Miller's Fancy Shredded Mozzarella/Cheddar Cheese
Pepperoni Snack Sticks
Comal County Bacon
Don Pomodoro Bruschetta Tomato Topping
DaVinci Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Low Carb and Gluten Free Comfort FoodsLow Carb and Gluten Free Comfort Foods
-- Numerous studies show that people can lose significant weight when eating low carb, even when they do not cut back on the number of calories!

Of course, as always people will debate this as they will debate anything that has to do with the human diet; but, the fact remains that it appears that you can eat more calories on a low carb diet and lose the same amount of weight.

So, if your aim is to simply lose weight without starving yourself, a low carb diet may be a good choice for you.

Like eating low carb, one of the major benefits of a gluten free diet is that it has been shown to help people lose weight; but, that is overshadowed by the massive benefits that can be had by removing the gluten. Gluten is a protein that is toxic to many of us and because it is toxic to our systems it can have many different harmful effects.

Length: 49 pages (estimated)

Click to read more

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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown-up sons, two grandchildren, two rescue dogs and a rescue cat. After years of cooking and coming up with recipes for my severely allergic children with a multitude of allergies, I am tired of cooking and weary of worrying about what I eat. And then I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and gluten-intolerant and the journey started all over again!

Note: I am not a dietician, nutritionist, or doctor nor do I claim to be a weight management expert. I am not legally allowed to give dietary advice. This is not dietary or medical advice, just a compilation of low carb recipes that are good for you and taste great too!

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