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What's for Lunch Today? Ham Sandwich!

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | 1:35 PM | 1 comments

What's for Lunch today?I get tired of cooking and baking all the time, and it's been so long since I had a simple sandwich.

So today I decided to have a ham and cheese sandwich!

First I made a Flaxseed Lunch Bun - takes 2 minutes in the microwave. (5 g carbs/14 g fat)

After letting it cool enough to handle, I buttered (0 g carbs/11 g fat) the English Muffin, added a slice of Havarti cheese (0 g carbs/7 g fat), a slice of deli ham (0 g carbs/1 g fat) and torn up lettuce (0/0).

Wished I had some mayonnaise to add, but it had expired. However that would have added 3 g carbs. So maybe it was just as well.

Add in a slice of pickle and three sour onions for 1 more carb total.

So my ham and cheese sandwich came in at a total of 6 grams of Net carbs and 33 grams of fat. Well under my 10 carbs per meal limit! Oh, and my sandwich was delicious!

TOTAL FAT: 33 grams

Photo Credit: Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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1,001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes from Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back1,001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes from Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back
-- This tasty collection draws on the best 1,001 recipes from Dana Carpender’s bestselling books including 500 Low-Carb Recipes, 15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes, 500 More Low-Carb Recipes, 200 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes, The Low-Carb Barbeque Book, and Low-Carb Smoothies.

You’ll find delicious and varied options including recipes for "high-carb" foods you thought you had to give up forever such as Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Mocha Chocolate Cheesecake.

Staying the low-carb course will be easy with choices from barbecue to slow-cooker to internationally-inspired dishes.

Click to read more



About Catherine: I am mom to three grown-up sons, two grandchildren, two rescue dogs and a rescue cat. After years of cooking and coming up with recipes for my severely allergic children with a multitude of allergies, I am tired of cooking and weary of worrying about what I eat. And then I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and gluten-intolerant and the journey started all over again!

Note: I am not a dietician, nutritionist, or doctor nor do I claim to be a weight management expert. I am not legally allowed to give dietary advice. This is not dietary or medical advice, just a compilation of low carb recipes that are good for you and taste great too!

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  1. Betty says:

    Wow! Only 6 carbs? But how does it taste?

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